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A Laptop for Ariel as she figures out the next steps in her life

Posted Sep 6, 2024
Ariel has graduated from high school and is contemplating her next steps. Making decisions for her future is difficult without the aid of a laptop. She would use the laptop to look at schools, find jobs, check email, stay connected with friends and family, hold online meetings, write papers, and set up budgets. Ariel is leaning towards attending cosmetology school, where she would be able to set up appointments and much more!

Ariel is 18 years old and lives in MN

Ariel has faced numerous challenges but maintains a positive outlook. She is incredibly determined when she sets her mind on a goal. Despite encountering many obstacles, she continues to work hard to overcome them. Ariel has experience living on a farm and enjoys taking care of animals.

The Wish Story

Adoption is Love Fund requests this wish for Ariel.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Elizabeth grants the wish for Ariel! Thanks Elizabeth.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Adoption is Love Fund for Ariel.

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