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A Disney Costume set for Camari's Birthday Party

Posted Sep 6, 2024
Camari is turning 5 years old and has just started kindergarten. She has recently gone through a lot of changes, and giving up her mid-day nap has been quite challenging for her. She is very excited for her birthday party this year because both her birth family and foster family will be there to shower her with love. Camari doesn't get to see her four sisters as much as she would like, and she has requested a dress-up session at her party. Her birthday theme is princesses, Barbies, and anything pink and sparkly. She would love a costume set to make her birthday wish come true! She's already a bit of a bookworm, and her favorite princess, at least as of last week, is Belle.

Camari is 5 years old and lives in OH

Camari is a confident and active girl. One of her current favorite games is playing school with her foster moms. Camari is preparing for kindergarten and is working on her reading, writing, and basic math skills. Camari has had a very turbulent life and has been separated from some of her siblings for a long time. Camari is very excited for her first Christmas with her foster moms and is thriving in their home. Camari continues to make progress toward her goals and has shown profound resilience.

The Wish Story

Beech Acres Parenting Center requests this wish for Camari.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Chaparro Family Fund grants the wish for Camari! Thanks Chaparro Family Fund.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Beech Acres Parenting Center for Camari.

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