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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A super fun balance board for Kessiah to learn balance while having fun

Posted Sep 8, 2024
Kessiah would love this super fun balance board to pretend to surf and just have fun rocking back and forth. Kessiah loves to play and stay active and would have hours of fun with this. This would make such a great birthday gift for Kessiah.

Kessiah is 4 years old and lives in TX

Kessiah is a loving girl who is placed with her younger brother. She is a really good big sister and she loves her little brother dearly. Kessiah loves being nurturing and helping to care for her little brother. She loves dolls and outside play. Kessiah is behind developmentally and is working hard to catch up on her skills. Kessiah is a positive girl who smiles and laughs a lot. She loves having family time and would always rather be around her family than be alone.

The Wish Story

Angelheart Kids requests this wish for Kessiah.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Erin Noelle grants the wish for Kessiah! Thanks Erin Noelle.

"Have fun Surfing "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Angelheart Kids for Kessiah.

Kessiah receives the wish from Angelheart Kids

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