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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

New Extra Long Phone Charges for Angela to keep her phone charged

Posted Sep 9, 2024
Angela's phone charger recently broke, so she has been borrowing a friend's. She would appreciate some help in purchasing a new two-pack of 10-foot-long chargers. Angela mentioned that it would be helpful for her charger to be able to reach from her bed to the outlet. She also mentioned that she would like to have one charger to keep at home and one to bring with her when she's out.

Angela is 21 years old and lives in MA

Angela is a talented and passionate young adult. She loves spending time with her mentor and her friends, playing video games, and having lightsaber battles. Angela is an aspiring nail technician working to grow her own business one day.

The Wish Story

Silver Lining Mentoring requests this wish for Angela.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Roneisha grants the wish for Angela! Thanks Roneisha.

"Sending with Love and Joy! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Silver Lining Mentoring for Angela.

Silver Lining Mentoring receives the wish!

"thank you!!!! this was such a big help to receive. thanks for helping with this order so fast."

Angela receives the wish from Silver Lining Mentoring

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