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About This Wish

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Driving lessons for Newra whose test is scheduled for October

Posted Sep 9, 2024
Newra has been working hard to get all of her eggs in order so she can get her driver's license. Living in California and being able to drive, having your own car, is incredibly important so you can feel independent and in control of your schedule. Newra has worked hard to line-up her lesson dates this month so she can be ready for her Oct 1st driving test. But the cost of the lessons isn't something her budget has room for. She works part-time and goes to school, so her budget is fixed and doesn't have room for miscellaneous items. Granting this wish will enable her to commute to and from work and school!

Newra is 20 years old and lives in CA

Newra has been in the foster care system since she was 9 years old and is currently in extended foster care housing. She dreams of becoming a medical examiner because she finds human anatomy very amusing. She enjoys learning about science and biology and hopes to work in the medical field. Newra loves to watch anime, walk her dog, and spend time with her partner.

The Wish Story

Think of Us requests this wish for Newra.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Newra! Thanks Awesome Human.

"I'm proud of you for choosing to pursue your dreams. I know life gets hard. Don't let it keep you down. God Bless and Keep You"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Think of Us for Newra.

Think of Us receives the wish!

"This is an incredible gift. Thank you so much for helping me get the ball rolling towards driving on my own! Your support helps me check off these responsibilities so much more easily! Thank you."

Newra receives the wish from Think of Us

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