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About This Wish

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A laptop for Gianna to complete her college classes successfully

Posted Sep 11, 2024
Gianna is studying Early Education. She recently started student teaching in a second-grade classroom, and it has been an amazing experience for her so far. Since she was a little girl, she has always dreamed of becoming a teacher, so this opportunity means a lot to her. To succeed in her academic and professional journey, having all the necessary supplies is essential. Unfortunately, her laptop, which has been her companion throughout her college years, broke just two weeks into the semester. This has left her without a crucial tool. During student teaching, she needs to write daily reflections, create lesson plans and presentations, and stay in touch with parents digitally. Without a laptop, she's at risk of falling behind, which could not only affect her grades but also hinder her goal of becoming an outstanding educator.

Gianna is 22 years old and lives in PA

As a child, Gianna's parents battled addiction. Her school age years were a whirlwind of abuse and neglect as a result. She had spent eight years of her life homeless, all while maintaining high marks in school, leadership positions at work, strong relationships, creative talents, and more. At the age of fifteen, Gianna and her three siblings were taken into state custody and put through the foster care system, where she remained until she aged out at eighteen years old. Gianna is a resilient college student majoring in education. She is extremely passionate about her major and will do anything to accomplish her goals; including working three jobs to support herself while in school full-time. Gianna enjoys musicals, education pedagogy, and making friends.

The Wish Story

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania requests this wish for Gianna.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

John grants the wish for Gianna! Thanks John.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Kutztown University of Pennsylvania for Gianna.

Kutztown University of Pennsylvania receives the wish!

"Gianna wants to share a photo and says "Thank you so much for this absolutely amazing gift. I am beyond grateful for the way you have helped me to make my last semester the best it can be!" "

Gianna receives the wish from Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

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