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Assistance with a car payment for Kensasha who is in desperate need of support

Posted Sep 13, 2024
Kensasha and her partner have always been very timely with their car payments. However, last month, due to some challenging circumstances, they were unable to make the payment. The car is essential for them to get to work and endure the harsh conditions in the valley of California. They are seeking help to keep their vehicle, which is crucial for their livelihood. They are grateful for any assistance as this is the only month they have been unable to make the payment and don't have the funds to do so now. If the payment isn't made by the 14th, their vehicle will be repossessed.

Kensasha is 26 years old and lives in CA

Sasha is an incredibly hard-working and well-rounded individual. She has aspirations of finishing her degree and studying political science and is interested in social work or motivational speaking in the future. She has also been an intern with iFoster and Foster Nation. She loves being with family and friends more than anything and enjoys spending time with those who matter most in her spare time. Sasha can balance so much in her life and is a wonderful member of our team.

The Wish Story

Foster Nation requests this wish for Kensasha.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for Kensasha! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Nation for Kensasha.

Kensasha receives the wish from Foster Nation

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