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A remote control boat for Brayden whose birthday is just around the corner

Posted Sep 18, 2024
Brayden is an autistic teenager who lives near a lake and has a passion for boats. He would like a remote-controlled boat for his birthday that he can use on the lake when his aunt or grandmother takes him there. His grandmother, who cares for him, has experienced health issues so having a remote-controlled boat would allow them to enjoy time together at the lake without requiring her to exert herself too much.

Brayden is 16 years old and lives in FL

Brayden is an amazing young man in foster care. He is exceptionally bright and does well in school. His autism does not slow him down. He is a very happy kid and is always reading or building something. He is obsessed with Star Wars and Star Trek. He is very helpful to his grandparents and anyone that needs a hand. He is a complete joy to be around.

The Wish Story

Youth and Family Alternatives requests this wish for Brayden.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Brayden! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Brayden. I hope you enjoy having your boat on the lake. My grandson has one that he has fun with at our cottage. Have lots of fun "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Youth and Family Alternatives for Brayden.

Brayden receives the wish from Youth and Family Alternatives

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