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About This Wish

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A costume for De'andre who wants to be his favorite music artist for Halloween

Posted Sep 24, 2024
De'andre is a huge fan of the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. He's really looking forward to going out with his friends on Halloween and he's confident he'll look and feel amazing in his costume. De'andre is hoping to score lots of candy!

De'andre is 10 years old and lives in OH

De'andre is a very lovable guy who loves playing basketball and video games and spending time with his friends. He is very respectful to everyone he comes in contact with and he gets good grades in school. He has had a hard time not living with his mom, but he is happy when he does get to visit her occasionally. He hopes to be reunited with his mom in the future.

The Wish Story

Kindred Spirit Behavioral Health requests this wish for De'andre.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for De'andre! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hope you have an awesome Halloween, Deā€™andre!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Kindred Spirit Behavioral Health for De'andre.

Kindred Spirit Behavioral Health receives the wish!

"De'andre is so excited to wear his costume. Thank you"

De'andre receives the wish from Kindred Spirit Behavioral Health

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