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About This Wish

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Special formula for Bentley who suffers with medical issues

Posted Oct 4, 2024
Bentley has been facing medical challenges as a result of his birth conditions. He requires the attention of multiple specialists to support his ongoing growth and development. His maternal grandmother is finding it difficult to meet all of his needs and is seeking assistance to obtain the specialized formula that he requires. A Kroger gift card will allow him to get what he needs to thrive. This request has been split into two wishes to allow for a successful shopping trip! This is wish 1 of 2.

Bentley is 7 months old and lives in OH

Bentley is an energetic little boy who is beginning to explore the world around him. He is trying new things such as new foods, developing new skills, and learning how to engage all of his senses. Bentley has been placed with his maternal grandmother since birth to ensure his safety and proper medical care. The family is actively encouraging his continued development in all aspects.