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About This Wish

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Shark racetrack toy for Dakari who is excited for his upcoming birthday

Posted Oct 8, 2024
Dakari has a great passion for both sharks and race cars. He enjoys playing with any toy that features sharks and would have a lot of fun with a shark racetrack. Given Dakari's excitement when he sees sharks, this toy would be perfect for his birthday.

Dakari is 4 years old and lives in TX

Dakari is a playful boy who loves to play with blocks and trucks. He is sweet, emotional, and desires comfort. He enjoys playing with his sister and baby brother. His favorite shows are the ones that air on the PBS channel. His favorite foods are chicken nuggets, bananas, and peanut butter sandwiches. He is still being introduced to new foods, which has been a positive adjustment for him. Dakari, an adventurous three-year-old, loves to be outside and explore new things.

The Wish Story

Angelheart Kids requests this wish for Dakari.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Dahlia grants the wish for Dakari! Thanks Dahlia.

"Happy birthday, Dakari!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Angelheart Kids for Dakari.

Angelheart Kids receives the wish!

"Dakari has been having so much fun with his new shark toy. Thank you so much."

Dakari receives the wish from Angelheart Kids

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