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Clothing so Macey can feel confident at her new school

Posted Oct 11, 2024
Macey is returning home after being in out-of-home care and has very little weather-appropriate clothing. She will start a new school when she moves home and would like to feel confident in herself on her first day! Macey has dealt with a lot of adversity in life, and it's so great to see her reunited with her mother. This is wish 1 of 2.

Macey is 16 years old and lives in NE

Macey has had a hectic background and was removed from her home when she was younger. However, her mother has worked hard, and Macey is able to return home. Macey enjoys spending any time that she can with her family, especially her older and younger siblings. Macey has not been able to spend a lot of time with them previously; therefore, she is thankful for any time she has with them. Macey enjoys being able to go on walks during her free time, as well as spending time with her positive peers. Macey also enjoys relaxing at home and watching Netflix with her puppies. Macey is a sweet and caring individual who is focused on the future rather than the past. She is always learning and trying to grow from her experiences and do better.

The Wish Story

CEDARS Youth Services requests this wish for Macey.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Macey! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the CEDARS Youth Services for Macey.

Macey receives the wish from CEDARS Youth Services

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