Jonah was removed from his home in 2023 due to neglect. He is now a non-minor dependent who is working on his transition into adulthood. Jonah attends community college courses and is loving his French and animation classes. He also enjoys visiting with his siblings and playing volleyball.
Voices for Children - Riverside requests this wish for Jonah.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Angelique grants the wish for Jonah! Thanks Angelique.
"Jack, I hope you and your siblings enjoy those tacos and Oreo cookie milkshakes (those are my favorites as well) and get to enjoy some quality time catching up. You're an amazing big brother to prioritize meeting with your siblings every month. I wish all of you all the best. "
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Voices for Children - Riverside for Jonah.
Voices for Children - Riverside receives the wish!
"Thank you for granting this wish for Jonah to enjoy his favorite meal with his siblings. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! "
Jonah receives the wish from Voices for Children - Riverside