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A tablet for Rylee to watch her shows while the bigger kids play video games

Posted Oct 11, 2024
Rylee is a sweet 5-year-old in placement with little to no contact with her parents. She often spends time with multiple family members as her resource parents are in school, working, and trying to make it work with six children. The children only have one TV in the home to watch, and usually, the boys play video games on it. Rylee would love to have her own tablet that she can play games on and watch her shows while the boys monopolize the TV!

Rylee is 5 years old and lives in NJ

Rylee loves to play, especially with her Barbie dolls. She enjoys playing outside, going to the park, watching cartoons on TV, and really anything. She is a very easy-going, easy-to-please little girl. Rylee has three brothers whom she adores. Rylee is currently in resource care with her maternal aunt.

The Wish Story

NJ DCFS - Monmouth County requests this wish for Rylee.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Dahlia grants the wish for Rylee! Thanks Dahlia.

"Enjoy, Rylee!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the NJ DCFS - Monmouth County for Rylee.

Rylee receives the wish from NJ DCFS - Monmouth County

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