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A printer for Albert so he can read his assigments on paper

Posted Oct 17, 2024
Albert is preparing to start his college classes and has reached out for assistance in getting a new printer. He mentioned that having printed materials would help him read more comfortably, as he prefers not to strain his eyes by staring at the computer screen for too long. Help in acquiring a printer soon would be greatly appreciated.

Albert is 20 years old and lives in MO

Albert has had a bit of a tough time growing up. He was in foster care for most of his childhood and was even adopted as a teen, but unfortunately had to re-enter foster care when his mom passed away. But, despite all of this, Albert is fighting hard to make his dreams a reality. He's actually getting ready to start some training and classes to become a CNA, and he has even bigger goals to become an LPN. He is determined and on track to achieve everything he has ever dreamed of.