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About This Wish

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Nike basketball sneakers for Nevin to celebrate his birthday

Posted Oct 22, 2024
Nevin just celebrated his 16th birthday and would love a pair of Nike sneakers. He has outgrown his old pair and is currently left with only sandals. For his birthday, he specifically requested a pair of black Air Force 1s. Although he recently started a part-time job and is saving up for them, receiving the shoes as a gift would truly make his day.

Nevin is 16 years old and lives in AZ

Nevin is a very smart young man who has had a rough life. He has suffered from neglect and abuse his whole life. He is currently separated from his siblings and has been diagnosed with ADHD.

The Wish Story

AZ DCS - Mohave County requests this wish for Nevin.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for Nevin! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the AZ DCS - Mohave County for Nevin.

AZ DCS - Mohave County receives the wish!

"thank you so very much- Nevin is excited to receive his new shoes"

Nevin receives the wish from AZ DCS - Mohave County

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