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A laptop for Will to do his college coursework efficiently

Posted Oct 29, 2024
Will had always relied on his old faithful laptop, a trusted companion that helped him navigate countless late-night study sessions and complete important projects. Unfortunately, that loyal device has finally given up the ghost, leaving him without a means to work on his online classes. Now, he finds himself dependent on the college’s computers, scrambling to fit his studies into their limited operating hours. This situation is more than just an inconvenience—it’s a barrier to his success. Every visit to the college library adds stress, forcing him to rush through his assignments instead of allowing him to focus deeply and learn at his own pace. Having a laptop of his own would be a transformative solution for Will. It would enable him to create a personalized workspace free from distractions, where he can immerse himself in his studies and work during the hours when he is most productive.

William is 22 years old and lives in NM

Will is an amazing young person who makes friends easily. He loves helping others and is a great mentor to youth in care or those who have aged out of it. Throughout his time in care, Will had many different placements and spent many nights without a bed to sleep in. He was doing remarkably well in life until he was struck by a car while walking to work. Although he is now okay, he faces a long and challenging road to regain a sense of normalcy. Will is currently in school, pursuing a degree to become a news reporter. He enjoys swimming and playing basketball. His kindness shines through in his commitment to helping anyone in need.

The Wish Story

NM CYFD - Sandoval County requests this wish for William.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Cheryl grants the wish for William! Thanks Cheryl.

"Keep up the good work, Will, study hard, and I am sure you will be successful in your college career. Best of luck to you, A Michigan Mom"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the NM CYFD - Sandoval County for William.

William receives the wish from NM CYFD - Sandoval County

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