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Push vacuum toy for Keiana to explore her surroundings

Posted Nov 8, 2024
Watching her foster parents vacuum has sparked Keiana's curiosity. Now that she's taking her first steps, a light-up push vacuum would be the perfect toy to encourage her to explore her surroundings. This interactive toy would provide endless fun and entertainment, stimulating her senses and promoting physical activity.

Keiana is 1 year old and lives in OH

Keiana is an active loving cuddly baby girl. She loves to be held, especially by her foster mother. She is a strong eater and loves experimenting with new baby foods/tastes. She loves playing in her bouncer, exersaucer and watching toys that light up and make noise. Everyone who sees her can't help but exclaim at how cute and sweet she is!

The Wish Story

The Buckeye Ranch requests this wish for Keiana.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Keiana! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Merry Christmas!! I hope you have fun playing with your new toy!!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The Buckeye Ranch for Keiana.

Keiana receives the wish from The Buckeye Ranch

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