Ja'Mari is a dedicated mother who has faced significant challenges in her life. From a young age, she was diagnosed with Bullseye Maculopathy, which has resulted in her visual impairment. Recently, she made the brave decision to move and live independently with her daughter while pursuing her education at a local community college, where she is studying Medical Coding. Despite her circumstances, Ja'Mari has maintained a GPA of 3.0 and is currently part of a scholarship program through Generation Hope, which provides essential wraparound services to support her. Due to her disability, Ja'Mari is unable to drive, making it difficult for her to travel around the city with her young child. Ja'Mari has experienced several losses in her family, and while she is grieving, she remains focused on her academic goals and understands the importance of earning her degree. Deeply family-oriented, she cherishes the time spent with her child. Ja'Mari is determined to learn how to navigate the changes in her life and continue progressing toward her aspirations.