Danny is a passionate and dedicated college student majoring in Criminal Justice with the goal of becoming an attorney. His interest in the field began at a young age, influenced by his love for crime shows and his own experiences growing up around individuals whose choices often led them astray. After entering foster care, he developed a deeper understanding of how survival instincts and trauma can shape people's lives. This motivated him to advocate for those facing similar challenges. In addition to his studies, Danny enjoys reading and writing, often expressing his thoughts and experiences through creative outlets. He values spending time with friends, drawing joy and support from those relationships. Danny's unique background fuels his ambition to make a difference in the legal system, and he is committed to using his education to help others navigate their difficulties.
The Lost & Found Institute requests this wish for Danny.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Awesome Human grants the wish for Danny! Thanks Awesome Human.
"We hope you get some awesome shoes! "
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the The Lost & Found Institute for Danny.
The Lost & Found Institute receives the wish!
"These dress shoes are so nice. I all ready feel more confident knowing that the next time I have a conference or meeting to attend I will be wearing fancy dress shoes like most of the other men wear. Thank you for granting my wish and thank you even more for giving me something I need to boost my confidence in professional settings. "
Danny receives the gift from The Lost & Found Institute!
"I really needed these new shoes to wear for work. I am very grateful for you granting my wish for these dress shoes. Thank you for your giving and kind heart. I am excited to start my new year off in style and with confidence. "