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About This Wish

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Headphones for Kristopher to use while listening to music

Posted Nov 20, 2024
Kristopher is a cheerful young man who loves to get lost in surround sound. A pair of headphones would be the perfect accessory to enhance his gaming and music experiences. As he tunes into his favorite beats or immerses himself in virtual worlds, he'll be able to escape the noise and distractions of everyday life. These headphones would not only provide entertainment but also offer a much-needed respite, helping him relax and recharge.

Kristopher is 11 years old and lives in CA

Kristopher has a lot of energy and a kind heart. He is very compassionate about animals and insects. He enjoys playing video games with his friends at school. Kristopher and his older brother have been in his current foster home for over a year. Kristopher is doing extremely well in his home but has had some challenges due to his situation

The Wish Story

Alba Care Services Inc. requests this wish for Kristopher.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Kristopher! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Merry Xmas, Kristopher! I very much enjoyed reading your description and learning that you’re a Californian, too! I also have a younger brother named Christopher! I hope you like your new headphones and that they allow you to relax and unwind. Keep doing well in school, and do the best that you can in all things, and I’m sure Life will keep sending many blessings your way! Above all, keep and cherish your Kind Heart for it will take you far! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Delbert"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Alba Care Services Inc. for Kristopher.

Kristopher receives the wish from Alba Care Services Inc.

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