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A Projector for Marquell to make his room into a home theatre

Posted Nov 24, 2024
Marquell absolutely loves movies; they transport him to different worlds and tell amazing stories. However, being in foster care can sometimes make it tough for him to catch a good film in a theater. He stumbled upon a home movie theater setup that lets him connect his phone and project movies right onto the wall! With this cool project, he can watch any movie or show he wants, feeling just like he’s in a real movie theater. It’s such a fun way for Marquell to escape into different stories, share laughs with friends, or even enjoy some quiet time by himself.

Marquell is 14 years old and lives in NJ

Marquell is on a journey to discover himself and determine his goals. He is very interested in learning to cook, a skill that his guardian strongly encourages. Additionally, he wishes to join his school’s basketball team and enjoys participating in active sports. Marquell also loves music, sleeping, exploring new places, spending time with friends, and playing video games.

The Wish Story

Oaks Integrated Care requests this wish for Marquell.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Kay grants the wish for Marquell! Thanks Kay.

"Have fun watching movies!!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Oaks Integrated Care for Marquell.

Oaks Integrated Care receives the wish!

"Marquell's projector arrived today and he asked his worker could bring him the projector. His smile lit up the room. He was so happy. Thank you so much for granting his wish."

Marquell receives the wish from Oaks Integrated Care

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