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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Beats headphones for Jaida to use on her long ride home from school

Posted Nov 26, 2024
Jaida stays after school to participate in her extracurricular activities, which often lead to a long bus ride home. Fortunately, the school provides transportation for students in her situation. However, the long commute can be quite tiring, and Jaida has been hoping to get a new pair of Beats headphones for Christmas to make the journey more enjoyable. She used to have a pair, which she loved, but sadly lost them when her dad sold them. Now that she is in a safe placement, she feels a sense of stability and is eager to have a new pair that she can keep and cherish. Every time she thinks about the headphones, she imagines herself listening to her favorite music and podcasts, creating a little world of her own during the bus ride.

Jaida is 15 years old and lives in CA

Jaida was removed from her home and placed with her siblings under the care of a relative, where she is thriving. Previously, Jaida had many responsibilities while living with her parents, so she is very grateful to finally have the opportunity to be a kid. She is a tall, athletic young lady who is involved in cheerleading and excels in track. Jaida is also a great student, especially now that she is settled in her relative's home.

The Wish Story

Voices for Children - San Diego requests this wish for Jaida.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for Jaida! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Voices for Children - San Diego for Jaida.

Voices for Children - San Diego receives the wish!

"Thank you very much for my Beats headphones. I am enjoying them, especially on my ride home from school. I am able to concentrate and enjoy my music while doing homework or just relaxing. You're the best. "

Jaida receives the wish from Voices for Children - San Diego

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