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Dinnerware for Charlotte's new apartment

Posted Nov 27, 2024
Charlotte is on the verge of an incredible milestone—she's set to graduate high school early, a decision fueled by her passion for becoming a welder. This has been her dream since she was in middle school, and just last week, she received the exciting news that her top-choice welding school has accepted her into their program, starting this February. While this is a thrilling chapter in her life, it’s also quite overwhelming; at just 17, she finds herself needing to gather everything necessary to furnish her very own apartment in a matter of months. To help her on this journey, a new dinnerware set would be perfect, providing her with a place to enjoy her favorite frozen pizzas after long, rewarding days spent honing her skills in welding.

Charlotte is 18 years old and lives in MO

Charlotte is a bright and capable girl who completed high school a few months early. Throughout her time in school, she was involved in many sports and clubs, and she also worked during the summer months to earn extra cash, so she wouldn't have to ask anyone for help with dues and fees. She has the opportunity to make her dreams come true, and she is determined to take full advantage of it! Once she gets comfortable with you, her great personality truly shines.

The Wish Story

Preferred Family Healthcare requests this wish for Charlotte.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Charlotte! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Hi Charlotte, 17 is so young to be out on your own - maybe you are feeling a little scared, but look at what you've done so far! Getting accepted to trade school is a big deal - I hope you are proud of yourself. I'm glad I can help in some small way to get you set up in your own apartment and I wish you every success in your chosen career. You are wonderful!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Preferred Family Healthcare for Charlotte.

Preferred Family Healthcare receives the wish!

"Thank you for supplying Charlotte with dinnerware to eat meals after a long day of welding!"

Charlotte receives the wish from Preferred Family Healthcare

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