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A Swing Set for Jetta to swing on

Posted Dec 1, 2024
When Jetta arrived at her new home, she discovered a swing set, and she absolutely adored it! She spent a lot of time outside, collecting her thoughts and enjoying the freedom of being a young girl. However, the swing set was old and eventually became unsafe for her to play on. Although it was just a material item, losing it felt like a significant loss for Jetta. She wished with all her heart for a new swing set, as it would provide her with a place of solitude. Jetta prefers to play alone, but her beautiful imagination keeps her company while swinging. Granting her wish for a new swing set would fill a void in this little girl's life; it may not seem like much to others, but to her, it would mean the absolute world.

Jetta is 9 years old and lives in MO

Jetta has faced a lot of loss in her young life. She is a loving and caring little girl who adores dresses, unicorns, and creating artwork. Jetta enjoys STEM sets, using microscopes, fishing, and riding bikes. One of her favorite activities is going to the park to spend time with her family. Although she is resilient and strong, she can sometimes be shy and sheltered due to her past experiences. There is significant trauma in her history, and she has a long journey of recovery ahead of her. Fortunately, she is now in an amazing home that supports her growth and allows her to thrive.

The Wish Story

Central Missouri Foster Care & Adoption Association requests this wish for Jetta.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Jetta! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Dear Jetta, I hope you enjoy this swing set. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays."

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Central Missouri Foster Care & Adoption Association for Jetta.

Jetta receives the wish from Central Missouri Foster Care & Adoption Association

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