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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

Sweatpants for Haddasah so she looks stylish for Christmas

Posted Dec 2, 2024
Hadassah is really looking forward to a cute wardrobe update this Christmas. She has been asking for Lululemon sweatpants because she wants to fit in with the girls at her new school. Since she outgrew her old winter clothes, she doesn't have many options for the season, and she feels it's important to add some new pieces that reflect her personal style. Opening a few stylish additions to her winter wardrobe on Christmas morning would truly make her over the moon.

Hadassah is 13 years old and lives in TX

Hadassah is a sweet and loving girl who is currently living with her aunt and uncle. Hadassah is shy and is nervous about adjusting to her new home. She loves to bake and she loves to go running. She dreams of opening her own bakery one day. She also loves being sporty in her free time and is hoping to continue doing the things she loves in her new home. She makes good grades in school and loves to work hard. She is also very nurturing and has been a caretaker for her younger siblings for a long time and can now finally just be a kid.

The Wish Story

Angelheart Kids requests this wish for Hadassah.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Gabrielle grants the wish for Hadassah! Thanks Gabrielle.

"Merry Christmas Hadassah! "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Angelheart Kids for Hadassah.

Angelheart Kids receives the wish!

"Haddassah was so thrilled to get these pants. She wanted these so much and she squealed with excitement. Thank you so much. "

Hadassah receives the wish from Angelheart Kids

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