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About This Wish

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Large vanity table for Kayla to practice self care

Posted Dec 2, 2024
Kayla loves nothing more than being comfortable and cozy. As a self-proclaimed girly girl, she delights in dressing up and experimenting with her hair and makeup, even when she has no plans to go out. She's always on the lookout for new hairstyles and makeup techniques to master, often practicing with the camera on her cellphone or in a handheld mirror. Her friends often admire her creativity and how she effortlessly transforms her looks. To enhance her beauty routine, Kayla dreams of having a large vanity table that would not only provide the perfect storage for her hair and makeup products but also offer a dedicated seating area for her to practice and pamper herself with plenty of TLC. She imagines a stylish setup complete with soft lighting, a large mirror, and organized compartments for all her favorite products, allowing her to fully immerse herself in her beauty rituals. This space would become her sanctuary, a place where she could unwind while perfecting her craft and expressing her vibrant personality.

Kayla is 20 years old and lives in GA

Kayla truly embodies the definition of perseverance. After being moved from place to place since the age of five, she has maintained a positive attitude and good spirits. Following an emotional departure from her last placement, Kayla entered a transitional living program and achieved a significant milestone—she completed her GED, making her the first in her family to finish high school and pursue college. As Kayla prepares to age out of extended foster care, she feels nervous about the upcoming transition. She has a deep love for nature and the outdoors and enjoys taking walks in her community. In addition to her outdoor activities, she plays the guitar and is currently studying to become a surgical technician. Kayla is not only full of love and laughter; she has a remarkable ability to connect with others and make friends easily. She is always willing to lend a helping hand or say something silly to brighten someone’s day.

The Wish Story

Wellroot Family Services requests this wish for Kayla.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for Kayla! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Wellroot Family Services for Kayla.

Wellroot Family Services receives the wish!

"Perfect timing, thank you One Simple Wish for my vanity! Fingers crossed, I'll be in my new apartment, independently in a few months! Happy New Year!"

Kayla receives the wish from Wellroot Family Services

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