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An electric bike for Jordyn to feel free on her rides

Posted Dec 5, 2024
During the summer, Jordyn was invited to join an organized group for an afternoon of biking. Although she wanted to participate, she had reservations due to her past experiences of worrying about keeping up with her peers. An adult mentor rented an electric bike for Jordyn to use for the day, and she quickly fell in love with riding. The smile on her face while biking was heartwarming. Even when the rest of the group took a break, Jordyn continued to ride with joy. Now, Jordyn is requesting an electric bike so she can ride with her siblings this upcoming spring.

Jordyn is 17 years old and lives in MI

Jordyn is a sweet and artistic young adult. She entered care with her brother and found a supportive home with her aunt. This placement led to her adoption, and Jordyn was able to stay living with her brother. Even with a three-year difference, the two are thick as thieves. Jordyn loves the arts, including choir, drawing, and getting creative with her makeup designs. Jordyn is a natural friend to any new face and supports those in need.

The Wish Story

MI DHS - Allegan & Barry Counties requests this wish for Jordyn.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for Jordyn! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the MI DHS - Allegan & Barry Counties for Jordyn.

Jordyn receives the wish from MI DHS - Allegan & Barry Counties

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