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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A laptop for CJ who is excited to start college next year

Posted Dec 4, 2024
CJ dreams of having a Chromebook to help with his transition to college in the fall. As he completes his carpentry program and prepares for a four-year college, a reliable laptop will assist him in staying organized, completing assignments, and accessing online resources. This Chromebook will serve as a practical tool for his studies and support his goals of making a difference in the world, particularly in advocating for change in Missouri's foster care system.

Cornelius is 18 years old and lives in MO

Cornelius, also known as CJ, has a deep passion for sneakers and is currently enrolled in a carpentry program. After completing this program, he looks forward to continuing his education at a four-year college. CJ is actively involved in local advisory boards and is committed to driving change in Missouri’s foster care system. With his determination and vision, he is ready to take on the world.

The Wish Story

MO DSS Children's Division - St. Charles County requests this wish for Cornelius.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Cornelius! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the MO DSS Children's Division - St. Charles County for Cornelius.

MO DSS Children's Division - St. Charles County receives the wish!

"Thank you so much!"

Cornelius receives the wish from MO DSS Children's Division - St. Charles County

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