John Michael and his parents have been through some tough times lately, but they are a strong and resilient family. They are currently staying in a hotel, which has been a bit cramped and lacking in privacy for John. He's had some trouble at school as a result, but he's been working hard to overcome his challenges and pursue his passions. John is a history buff and a gamer, and he's doing great in his new school, making friends and gaining confidence every day. He's a true joy to be around, and his love for his mom is absolutely heartwarming.
NJ DCFS - Burlington County requests this wish for John Michael.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
mary grants the wish for John Michael! Thanks mary.
"Hi John Michael, I hope you enjoy your new MMA game. My son also loves MMA! I know MMA skill are good to have! XO Mary"
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the NJ DCFS - Burlington County for John Michael.
NJ DCFS - Burlington County receives the wish!
"thank you!! "
John Michael receives the wish from NJ DCFS - Burlington County