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About This Wish

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A comfy chair for Nate who spends lots of time at the computer learning to code

Posted Dec 5, 2024
Nate is requesting a computer chair because he currently sits at his mom's computer using a kitchen table chair. He is teaching himself to code, and a comfortable chair would make a big difference for him. Nate mentioned that his favorite color is brown, and he wants a chair that will help him feel more comfortable while he learns to code. He typically codes in his free time and on weekends, spending hours in front of the computer. Although he hasn’t complained about the kitchen table chair, his mom has noted that he has mentioned wanting a nice "coding chair" for Christmas.

Nate is 15 years old and lives in KS

Nate is an enthusiastic tech enthusiast. When he grows up, he aspires to code computers at Apple. In the evenings, he teaches himself how to code on his mom's computer. Nate is incredibly bright and hopes to "help mom pay the bills" when he gets a job and can contribute some money. This reflects the kind of kid Nate is—he loves his family and friends and is always willing to assist anyone in need. His mom is a single mother doing her best to support five children while working full-time.

The Wish Story

SparkWheel Inc requests this wish for Nate.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Nate! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Merry Christmas Nate! I hope you enjoy the chair while creating the next big program!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the SparkWheel Inc for Nate.

SparkWheel Inc receives the wish!

"When Nate found out he got his very own chair to CODE its all he could talk about. Even returning from break Nate has told all of his friends that he got a quote "extremely comfortable" Chair. Thank you so much for having such an impact on Nate and his family. "

Nate receives the wish from SparkWheel Inc

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