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A membership to Discovery Place so Luca can explore and learn

Posted Dec 7, 2024
Luca had an unforgettable experience when he visited Discovery Place with his foster family. His eyes lit up with excitement as he explored the hands-on exhibits and engaging activities designed just for kids. A membership to this incredible children's museum would not only grant Luca access to countless adventures throughout the year, but it would also allow him to share those joyful moments with his little brother. This would truly make a fantastic Christmas gift, providing them the chance to create lasting memories and enjoy a world of learning and discovery!

Luca is 3 years old and lives in NC

Luca is a delightful and energetic child who keeps his foster parents and siblings on their toes with his endless bursts of energy. His sweet, mischievous smile pulls at everyone's heartstrings. Incredibly intelligent, Luca has an independent and free-spirited nature, enjoying the challenge of figuring things out with his puzzles and toys. He loves playing outdoors and kicking balls back and forth with his caregivers. Next year, he will start playing soccer with children his age!

The Wish Story

Mecklenburg County Guardian ad Litem requests this wish for Luca.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Luca! Thanks Awesome Human.

"Merry Christmas Luca!! We hope you love the Discovery Place, have so much fun, and make so many memories. Sending lots of love, Atlas & Casper (and our parents)"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Mecklenburg County Guardian ad Litem for Luca.

Mecklenburg County Guardian ad Litem receives the wish!

"This is so awesome! Discovery Place is a wonderful place for kids to learn about science and nature. Thank you for gifting this to Luca! Happy holidays to you and your family!"

Luca receives the wish from Mecklenburg County Guardian ad Litem

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