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About This Wish

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A TV for Gabriella to watch shows and relax

Posted Dec 8, 2024
Gabriella has relocated for her safety and is currently staying in a family member's home until she can save her money to get her own place. She enjoys watching TV before bed while she relaxes. Currently, she will watch TV in the family room; however, she doesn't really have a choice on what is being viewed if someone else is watching TV. This wish is for a smart TV for her room so she can watch her shows while she relaxes before bedtime. She can also use it to listen to music, which also helps her relax.

Gabriella is 25 years old and lives in OH

Gabriella has faced significant challenges over the past few years. Initially in kinship care, she transitioned to living with a friend as she aged out of the system. Shortly thereafter, she embraced motherhood. A sudden knock on the door marked a pivotal moment in her life, prompting her to alter her lifestyle and commit to living for her daughter. Gabriella has relocated to a different state to embark on a new journey. She is diligently working through all necessary steps to regain permanent custody of her daughter, as she currently only has visitation rights.

The Wish Story

Kindred Spirit Behavioral Health requests this wish for Gabriella.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

2024 Towards a Wish grants the wish for Gabriella! Thanks 2024 Towards a Wish.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Kindred Spirit Behavioral Health for Gabriella.

Kindred Spirit Behavioral Health receives the wish!

"Thank you for your kindness and generosity "

Gabriella receives the wish from Kindred Spirit Behavioral Health

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