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About This Wish

The cost of the wish includes the item, 2.9% credit card fee, sales tax and shipping charges (when applicable).

A MetaQuest VR system for Tailynn who loves to play games

Posted Dec 8, 2024
Tailynn would be over the moon to receive a MetaQuest for Christmas! As someone who loves to play games, this virtual reality headset would take her gaming experience to the next level. The immersive experience of VR gaming would open up a whole new world of excitement and adventure for her. Tailynn would enjoy exploring different VR worlds, playing interactive games, and challenging herself in new ways. This gift would be a game-changer for her, and she would be thrilled to dive into the world of virtual reality!

Tailynn is 13 years old and lives in TX

Tailynn is a very sweet young girl. She was taken into foster care immediately from the hospital, so she has grown up thus far only knowing foster care. She is a very happy child who love being around her foster family and loves to wear pink and her cowboy boots (she cries when she doesn't have them on). Tailynn is very smart and she learns fast. She loves to play dress up and love to dance when she hear music.

The Wish Story

The Homes for Children requests this wish for Tailynn.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for Tailynn! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Homes for Children Corporation for Tailynn.

Homes for Children Corporation receives the wish!

"Thanks for the MetaQuest for Tailynn"

Tailynn receives the wish from Homes for Children Corporation

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