Montez, affectionately known as “Tez,” is a former foster youth who has recently embraced the joys of motherhood with the birth of her beautiful baby boy. As a single mother, she has made countless sacrifices to ensure her child’s well-being. Tez dreams of becoming an exemplary mother and a role model her child can look up to. She is a driven individual who lets nothing stand in the way of her aspirations for herself and her family. Currently, Tez is working as an intern, dedicating her time to supporting children with mental, developmental, and physical disabilities.
River City Youth Collective requests this wish for Montez.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Awesome Human grants the wish for Montez! Thanks Awesome Human.
"Happy Holidays Tez, I hope you and your baby are doing well. It's always important to take care of yourself, as well as your family, so you can be there for each other. May 2025 hold lots of great times and happy memories for you."
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the River City Youth Collective for Montez.