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About This Wish

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Phone for Sarah to stay connected

Posted Dec 12, 2024
Sarah's phone has been giving her a lot of trouble lately and is almost completely broken. She really needs a working phone to keep in touch with her mom, dad, CASA worker, and the staff at her program, as well as her Chafee worker. She’s also looking to find a job, and having a phone is important for that too. On top of all that, having a phone would help Sarah manage her relaxation routine. When she feels overwhelmed or anxious, playing her favorite electronic games helps calm her down.

Sarah is 20 years old and lives in MO

Sarah has graduated from high school and is now living independently with the help of support staff. In her spare time, she enjoys watching TV, coloring, attending Dayhab, and visiting with friends. When it's time to relax, she plays games on her phone or chats with her friends over the phone. She takes pride in her room and keeps it clean and organized. Sarah is very supportive of her friends when they are upset or in need of comfort or assistance.

The Wish Story

Preferred Family Healthcare requests this wish for Sarah.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Devorah grants the wish for Sarah! Thanks Devorah.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Preferred Family Healthcare for Sarah.

Sarah receives the wish from Preferred Family Healthcare

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