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A Raiders blanket to keep Max warm at night

Posted Dec 11, 2024
Max is living in a foster home three hours away from his family, and he’s holding onto the hope that they can be together again someday. The place he’s staying is a huge change for him; it snows there, while he used to enjoy the sunny beach. As the winter nights get colder, Max dreams of cozying up with a new blanket that has his favorite football team on it to keep warm.

Max is 14 years old and lives in CA

Max has been placed in an RFA home and is awaiting reunification with his father. He has remained positive throughout his experience with DCFS and has recently begun attending church and weekly Bible study. Max states that he attends church to learn about forgiveness and to forgive those in his life. Max has recently begun raising his grades and is involved in ROTC through his school. He wants to grow up to be in the Marines. In his free time, Max likes to play soccer and baseball and is interested in starting boxing and self-defense classes.

The Wish Story

CA DCFS - Los Angeles County requests this wish for Max.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Awesome Human grants the wish for Max! Thanks Awesome Human.

"I hope you like your gift. Stay warm!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the CA DCFS - Los Angeles County for Max.

Max receives the wish from CA DCFS - Los Angeles County

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