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Food for Genevieve to make a great holiday meal

Posted Dec 12, 2024
Genevieve finds herself navigating a tough predicament as her work hours have been cut back because of the holiday season. The reduction in hours has added financial pressure, making it more difficult for her to prepare a festive holiday meal. With a bit of assistance, however, Genevieve can pull together the ingredients and resources needed to create a delightful and memorable holiday feast that brings warmth and joy to her celebration this year.

Genevieve is 22 years old and lives in UT

Genevieve entered foster care when she was 12 years old, and aged out of the system after many foster home placements and much tumultuousness. Despite so much change, Genevieve always found learning to be rewarding and stimulating. She now studies human development and psychology at Southern Utah University. She looks forward to continuing her studies and being the first in her family to earn a college degree.

The Wish Story

Awesome Human grants the wish for Genevieve! Thanks Awesome Human.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the 1999 Collective for Genevieve.

1999 Collective receives the wish!

"A most sincere and heartfelt thank you, for the kindness you extended to this young person in a way that they will experience genuine joy during the holiday season. Your thoughtful donation brought smiles upon smiles. Thank you, so very much, for your expression of altruism and compassion for this young person."

Genevieve receives the wish from 1999 Collective

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