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About This Wish

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A Desk for Edana to Work from Home!

Posted Dec 17, 2024
Edana is struggling to find a safe spot in her home to make her handmade shea products for her small business. As a mother of 4, with all children being under the age of 10, Edana doesn't have much privacy or available space that is just to herself. This desk will act as a source of empowerment for Edana, allowing her to have her own designated area to work and to keep all of her materials away from the kids to get into.

Edana is 29 years old and lives in CA

Edana is a former foster youth and a single mother of three who is passionate about loving her children unconditionally and making the world a better place. She is launching her own small business where she handcrafts bath products and shea butter items. Edana is dedicated to promoting self-care and is on a mission to support other young mothers in need of rest and relaxation.

The Wish Story

Jennis Flower requests this wish for Edana.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Sarah grants the wish for Edana! Thanks Sarah.

"Happy Holidays!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Jennis Flower for Edana.

Jennis Flower receives the wish!

"Edana LOVES her desk and even more, she loves that now she has a designated work station that her kids cant get into. Thank you for pouring into her dreams :) "

Edana receives the wish from Jennis Flower

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