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A desk for Asher so he can do his homework

Posted Dec 18, 2024
Asher recently settled into a new home and has been adjusting well. When I asked him what he wanted for Christmas, he told me he would love a desk to do his homework. Right now, he’s been making do with any hard surface he can find, and I can imagine how challenging that must be for him. Asher is a dedicated student, and having a proper desk would make a massive difference in getting his work done. It’s a simple wish but would mean the world to him.

Asher is 15 years old and lives in CA

Asher is a resilient child who remains motivated for a bright future. From a very young age, he has faced numerous obstacles but always maintains a positive outlook. Early in his life, Asher was removed from his parents' care and placed in foster care. Due to space limitations in the available homes, he was separated from his siblings. However, earlier this month, Asher was reunited with his oldest brother in the same foster home. He understands the importance of obtaining a good education for a better future and strives every day to do his best in school.

The Wish Story

CA DCFS - Los Angeles County requests this wish for Asher.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Rich grants the wish for Asher! Thanks Rich.

"I hope this desk helps enable you to be the very best version of yourself. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. "

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the CA DCFS - Los Angeles County for Asher.

Asher receives the wish from CA DCFS - Los Angeles County

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