Treasure is a vivacious and sassy girl, whose expressive face reveals her feelings without the need for words. She possesses a remarkable ability to learn quickly and knows exactly how to endear herself to those around her. Her laughter is like music, bringing joy to everyone she encounters. At just 5 years old, Treasure entered foster care and faced significant challenges due to her complex medical issues. For several years, she lived in a medical facility until her forever family brought her home at the age of 11. Treasure's journey began when she was born at only 23 weeks, making her a true fighter. Despite the many chronic and severe medical conditions she faces, including spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy, epilepsy, chronic lung disease, and brittle bones, she continues to inspire everyone with her resilience and spirit.
GAL/CASA NEPA requests this wish for Treasure.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
OSW Social grants the wish for Treasure! Thanks OSW Social.
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the GAL/CASA NEPA for Treasure.
Treasure receives the wish from GAL/CASA NEPA