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The Oral B Deep Clean toothbrush for Sandy to help manage plaque

Posted Dec 30, 2024
Sandy has been looking for a solution to effectively manage plaque, especially after her recent dental visit where her dentist raised concerns about the hard-to-reach areas in her mouth and the potential for plaque buildup. With these worries in mind, she has her sights set on the Oral B Deep Clean electric toothbrush. She believes that this advanced toothbrush, designed for thorough cleaning, will allow her to navigate those tricky spots more easily and effectively. By incorporating this tool into her dental routine, she hopes not only to better manage plaque but also to impress her dentist with a significantly improved oral health report at her next appointment.

Sandy is 24 years old and lives in NC

Sandy has aged out of foster care and has been adjusting to adulthood. She has tried college a few times and has found it difficult to work and do school at the same time. She managed to get her CNA but really wanted to be a nurse. She plans to try again when life becomes a little more stable for her. She loves music, crafts, baking, and pets. Sandy tries to stay positive and has a happy go lucky spirit.

The Wish Story

Foster Parent Association of Wilkes requests this wish for Sandy.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Ronald grants the wish for Sandy! Thanks Ronald.

"Sandy, I hope that this new electric toothbrush works for you! I've found that using both an electric and manual helps a lot rather than just one or the other (I alternate with each brushing; well it worked for me anyway)! Lets count on your next dental appointment to show great improvement! Take care and stay safe!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Parent Association of Wilkes for Sandy.

Sandy receives the wish from Foster Parent Association of Wilkes

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