Quentin is a determined and upbeat young man who has a passion for fitness and self-improvement. Despite facing challenges, such as his mother losing custody and his father struggling to get back on his feet, Quentin remains optimistic and hardworking. He enjoys going to the gym with friends, focusing on his personal health, and dreams of becoming a fitness instructor one day. As an only child, Quentin has relied on the love and support of those around him to thrive. He is an active member of his church, loves playing sports, and finds joy in being part of a community.
Kids Can Dream Foundation requests this wish for Quentin.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Awesome Human grants the wish for Quentin! Thanks Awesome Human.
"I love gaming! I play a ton of Stardew Valley. I hope you have a great time Quentin."
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Kids Can Dream Foundation for Quentin.