Dana is making progress in her motor skills. She is attending school and working with therapists to address her speech and motor delays. Despite facing many challenges in her short life, Dana is a sweet girl who loves interacting with others. She is working hard on communication by using some basic signs. Dana enjoys playing with dolls and is drawn to bright colors. She finds comfort in sleeping with her stuffed animals, which she likes to keep close to her. Due to a rare genetic condition, she experiences some developmental delays. She loves soothing music and enjoys being sung to; even if the tune isn’t perfect, her smiles say it all. Dana is truly a charming girl, and she loves having her hair combed and styled into pigtails. Although she has limitations, her spirit shines brightly.
Abilities First requests this wish for Dana.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Mehmet grants the wish for Dana! Thanks Mehmet.
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Abilities First for Dana.