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A fancy perfume for Kaia who has a big birthday coming up

Posted Jan 4, 2025
Kaia can’t contain her excitement about turning thirteen; she feels like a new chapter is starting in her life. As she steps into her teenage years, she's exploring different interests and figuring out what she loves. While she typically enjoys simple, fresh body sprays, she finds herself drawn to her foster mom’s perfumes and often asks to borrow them. With her birthday coming up, she can’t help but dream of having her very own perfume to celebrate this special milestone. It would make her feel even more ready to embrace her new teenage adventures!

Kaia is 13 years old and lives in TX

Kaia loves school and especially loves math. Kaia is very outgoing and athletic. Her favorite sport is soccer, and she loves playing on a team. She has often said her dream career will be to be a professional soccer player when she gets older. Kaia is a friendly girl who makes friends easily. She is the oldest of her siblings, and she loves her younger siblings. Kaia loves spending time with family and enjoys family outings.

The Wish Story

Angelheart Kids requests this wish for Kaia.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Siobhan grants the wish for Kaia! Thanks Siobhan.

"Happy Birthday Kaia! I hope you have a wonderful day!"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Angelheart Kids for Kaia.

Kaia receives the wish from Angelheart Kids

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