Maya is a hardworking young mother living with her sister, her two-month-old baby, and their beloved rescue pit bull. She enjoys spending time with her family, attending church, and taking long walks with her dog. Maya works at Sonic and dreams of climbing the management ladder, eventually aspiring to co-own a home with her sister. Despite her busy schedule, she is determined to return to school and earn her GED, which will pave the way for a brighter future for herself and her baby.
Hope For Kids Foundation requests this wish for Maya.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Awesome Human grants the wish for Maya! Thanks Awesome Human.
"I hope that this musical car seat toy is soothing to your baby, Maya. Keep studying and working hard to achieve your goals! I know that you can do it! You are awesome! Be positive and don't give up! I am thinking of you and wishing you good luck in all that you do! From your friend Nina in CA."
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Hope For Kids Foundation for Maya.