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Baby doll diapers for Memory to open on her birthday

Posted Jan 7, 2025
Memory is absolutely in love with the new baby dolls she received for Christmas. She enjoys treating them like they are her real babies, immersing herself in imaginative play. For her birthday, she's excited to ask for accessories and outfits so she can change them and take care of them even more. These diapers will be perfect additions to her collection!

Memory is 7 years old and lives in OH

Memory loves to play outside and go to parks. She can climb well, and is always on the go. Her caregivers always have to keep an extra eye on her because she is such a fast girl! She tries hard to keep up with her big sisters, and gives really great hugs.

The Wish Story

Therapeutic Interagency Program requests this wish for Memory.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

Monique grants the wish for Memory! Thanks Monique.

"Dear Memory, Happy, happy birthday!! I hope these help you be a great "mommy" to your new "babies" and that your special day is filled with love and joy! Your pal, Monique"

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Therapeutic Interagency Program for Memory.

Therapeutic Interagency Program receives the wish!

"Thank you! Memory is going to love these diapers to help take care of her baby!"

Memory receives the wish from Therapeutic Interagency Program

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