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About This Wish

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Uber Gift Card to help Boris get somewhere safe

Posted Jan 10, 2025
Boris lives in Los Angeles, and due to the wildfires, he has been instructed to evacuate the area. He has received an Uber voucher, but unfortunately, it comes with some restrictions. He hopes to find a safe place where he won’t have to worry about evacuating again.

Boris is 24 years old and lives in CA

Boris has a passion for music, and he enjoys riding his e-scooter and bike. He loves spending time at the beach and watching educational documentaries and movies. His academic goals include finishing school, graduating with an AA transfer, and eventually obtaining a Master's degree. With his education, he hopes to open his own business and travel the world.

The Wish Story

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

*OSW Reserve Account grants the wish for Boris! Thanks *OSW Reserve Account.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Foster Nation for Boris.

Boris receives the wish from Foster Nation

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