Labelle is a young girl currently living in a foster home, separated from one of her siblings. Having spent a significant amount of time in the foster care system, she has faced numerous challenges along the way. Despite these difficulties, Labelle remains optimistic about her future and diligently works towards her goals. She has a passion for art, puzzles, singing, and dancing, showcasing her creativity and curiosity. Always eager to engage with the world around her, Labelle's positive spirit shines through in everything she does.
Beech Acres Parenting Center requests this wish for Labelle.
One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.
Awesome Human grants the wish for Labelle! Thanks Awesome Human.
"I love the babysitters club books, I hope you enjoy them too! God bless!"
One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Beech Acres Parenting Center for Labelle.
Beech Acres Parenting Center receives the wish!
"Thank you for granting Belle's wish, she will be so excited to open these on her birthday!"
Labelle receives the wish from Beech Acres Parenting Center