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About This Wish

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Laptop for Tasha to Grow Her Business!

Posted Jan 15, 2025
Tasha developed and launched her business, Bee-Long, over the past 10 weeks in our Seed to CEO entrepreneurship academy. However, one hurdle Tasha has faced is not having a laptop. Tasha has created all of her business plans, content and strategy documents all on her phone. This laptop will be life-changing for Tasha and her business!

Tashanea is 25 years old and lives in CA

Tashanea aged out of foster care. She has a passion for finding joy and expressing herself creatively. She graduated in September 2024 with a Bachelor's in Computer Science, and she is excited about her goal of becoming a software engineer at a major tech company. In her free time, Tashanea enjoys indulging in her love for anime, spending time with cats, and embracing all things glitter!

The Wish Story

Jennis Flower requests this wish for Tashanea.

One Simple Wish posts the wish to the website.

OSW In-kind grants the wish for Tashanea! Thanks OSW In-kind.

One Simple Wish sends the gift to the Jennis Flower for Tashanea.

Jennis Flower receives the wish!

"Tasha was SO excited to receive her laptop. She says thank you so much for giving her this opportunity to invest in herself and her business. This resource will take her to the next level. "

Tashanea receives the wish from Jennis Flower

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